
Dive in – App Engagement Arrives at Similarweb

Dive in - App Engagement Arrives at Similarweb

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Today marks another major milestone for Similarweb as we announce a new set of insights for the mobile app economy. We are proud to announce the addition of mobile reach, engagement, and retention insights for mobile apps. Our mission is to measure the digital world, so just as we have done for upstream and downstream website traffic intelligence so must we do for mobile apps.

In September we launched the first part of our mobile app insights by looking at the data behind app discovery and giving visibility to traffic in the app stores. Now we turn our focus to what happens to apps after they are installed to give the most complete picture possible of our digital world.

If you are interested in mobile app engagement market intelligence visit this page for more information.

As part of our new insights, we have created a new ranking of the most used apps. We will be releasing different rankings on the Similarweb blog. Starting with this announcement we are releasing the first-ever Similarweb Usage Ranking for Free Apps. Check back soon for other categories and paid app rankings.

Most Popular Apps in United States

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