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How World Cup Offline Advertising Drove Online Traffic for

How World Cup Offline Advertising Drove Online Traffic for

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Discover your competitors' strengths and leverage them to achieve your own success sponsored the World Cup, and its ads were featured prominently in tournament venues. The goal was to gain exposure and credibility among an international audience to increase’s user base.

The advertising program seems to have allowed to show traffic gains, even at a tough time for cryptocurrency companies. We used Similarweb’s digital measurement tools to track how’s website traffic and engagement responded to both offline advertising and external events.

The Initial Spike

On March 22, was unveiled as FIFA World Cup’s official sponsor, and its website experienced a 45% increase in mobile web traffic (details, login required). About 60% of the site’s traffic comes from mobile devices. visits over time

Bucking a Bad Trend

Between November 2 and November 11, news of the FTX / FTT token scandal began to surface, and all crypto exchange websites experienced an increase in traffic when users logged in to withdraw money or to transfer their assets from centralized exchanges to decentralized ones. This increase in visitations peaked on November 11, when FTX filed for bankruptcy. was among the few whose traffic remained on the rise even after FTX crashed, experiencing an additional 32% increase in traffic. The positive trend was a result of’s efforts to reassure their existing users by publishing financial reports and to acquire new users by introducing crypto into the mainstream and gain momentum by advertising ahead of the World Cup – campaigns to buy stadium tickets with cryptocurrency as well as the ability to purchase unique tokens and NFTs of their favorite team.’s mobile traffic remained high when the World Cup started and, overall, increased by 35% between November 5th and 25th (comparison details, login required).
Visits over time comparison chart comparison
That’s not to say has been immune to the downturn. Total traffic for 2022 was down 18% from 2021 levels. But compare that to Coinbase, which saw traffic drop nearly 47% in 2022.

Where the Traffic Originated: November vs. October

The main drivers of’s mobile traffic during November were direct and organic search, which increased by 30% and 45%, respectively. An increase in these marketing channels is a significant indicator of increased awareness and brand exposure related to the World Cup promotion (channels details, login required).
Channels overview channels overview

To gauge the effectiveness of advertising, we also examined the user behavior on desktop during November. The most popular page among users is the CRO_USDT trading page which is up more than 5,000% in views compared to last month, indicating a high conversion rate for’s CRO token. The ‘about’ page and the’s World Cup sponsorship article page also went up by over 100% (popular pages detail, login required). popular pages
The learning segment of alone grew by 84%. Visit duration and average pages per visit rose as well, showing growing interest and willingness to learn about the world of trading and crypto ( University segment details, login required). traffic and engagement over time University unique visitors

While a digital enterprise’s online advertising, search, and social strategies are central to its success, they are not the only factor. As this example shows, offline advertising can also pay dividends in online traffic.

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Report By: Lee Margalit, Client Success Analyst, Similarweb


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Image: World Cup sponsorship promotion from

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