
Similarweb 2017 Year in Review

Similarweb 2017 Year in Review

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Another Amazing Year of Growth at Similarweb

At Similarweb, we are on a mission to change the way the world makes decisions, and 2017 was a huge step towards reaching that goal. We believe that better insights lead to better decisions and this is why we are committed to understanding the digital world better than anyone else and surfacing the traffic insights that will empower our customers to make the right and best decision.

We made major upgrades to our product and accessibility to game-changing insights and we expanded our global presence to help bring us closer to our customers around the world.

On the business front, we raised a $47M growth round, bringing our total amount raised to $112M, with new and experienced investors like Viola Growth and Saban Ventures. This new funding allowed us to drive our global expansion forward while simultaneously investing in our product to ensure it remains the best in the business.

Similarweb Year in Review - 2017

In 2017, we also saw our global team surpass 400 people worldwide, an amazing achievement considering the outstanding talent we have been able to bring in, support and retain. It is one thing to watch headcount grow, and something different entirely seeing so many exceptional people join our mission.

To support this incredible infusion of talent, we launched five new offices in 2017 alone! New York, San Francisco, Tokyo, and London were given new homes in the heart of their respective tech industries, enabling rapid growth in all of these markets.

Similarweb Year 2017 in Review Or & the Team

We also entered a brand new HQ in Israel in the heart of the Startup Nation, pulling together over 300 people in the tallest skyscraper in Tel Aviv.

Similarweb 2017 Year in Review - New office

On the product side, it was an equally amazing year. Our focus was to bring significant enhancements to the way our customers understand, track, and grow their digital market share.

Market Monitoring

  • Launched our first mobile app enabling our customers to access critical insights in real time and stay on top of their markets on the go.
  • Released major enhancements to our Custom Dashboards with a brand new setup wizard alongside new capabilities like duplication to measure the same metrics across properties.
  • Developed a News Feed that enables ongoing analysis of key metrics and focus areas.

Website and App Intelligence

  • Released major advances to our App Engagement insights, allowing customers an even deeper view into what’s happening on mobile.
  • Developed Mobile Web traffic improvements that include being able to see Unique Monthly Visitors to more deeply understand external digital properties.

User Acquisition

  • Launched Advertising Intelligence giving customers deep insights into the videos and ad creatives of competitors and other companies, empowering them to understand advertising effectiveness and improve their own digital performance.

Similarweb 2017 Year in Review - Adding website analysis

  • Added new features including a daily marketing mix enhancing speed to insight, new search filters for more actionable results, and more!

Custom Insights

  • Launched a series of new custom insights reports now available within the platform! These include reports that analyze conversion performance for domains, brands or categories, product optimization to see how consumers search for products, audience behavior analysis to understand the overlap between your website’s and your competitor’s audience and even reports that generate targeted lead lists for sales, biz dev, and partnerships.

And these are only some of the dozens of new features that we launched!

Get ready for an amazing 2018!

As proud as we are of the year that has passed, it is only a precursor to what we want to achieve in the coming year. We have major plans to add new and game-changing features to the platform while continuing to develop the elements you’ve come to rely on.

In 2018, we will continue powering the Digital Intelligence transformation, helping businesses become truly data-driven in the context of their markets and enabling them to channel these new perspectives to grow and develop their companies.

We’re also committed to adding new and deeper data to our offering to bring together all of the Intelligence and insight our customers could ever need into one, easily accessible solution!

Finally, we’re going to continue providing you with insights, not just data. It is one thing to give access to information, and another entirely to make it as easy as possible for that information to be a driving force for growth.

As always, we thank you for your continued choice to partner with us and look forward to working together again this year. Looking forward for another amazing year here at Similarweb.




by Or Offer


Or has led Similarweb since its founding in 2007, growing it from a small startup to a global company with over 1,000 employees.

This post is subject to Similarweb legal notices and disclaimers.

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