
CPO Benjamin Seror on the Interesting Technology Powering Similarweb

CPO Benjamin Seror on the Interesting Technology Powering Similarweb

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In an interview conducted by Website Planet, Chief Product Officer Benjamin Seror talks about how Similarweb works and how it can be used by brands and marketers to make wiser business decisions.

Q: Which technologies do you find to be the most intriguing these days and why?

There are many interesting technologies out there, but the most relevant ones for us are artificial intelligence and machine learning which are game changers because they extend our capability to provide value for our users.

When you’re a user and you’re going to Similarweb, it can be very confusing; you might win and find an amazing insight, or you could try 100 times without finding anything useful.

But what if we could reverse everything and make the platform find the most relevant insights for you? With machine learning, we can understand your intent, understand what you’re trying to achieve and push the most relevant insights and data points straight to you. It’s like going to a casino and winning every time.

Q: In your opinion, what new trends can we expect to see in SEO over the next few years?

I think it’s about consumer centricity. We are passionate about how we analyze the consumer and buyer journey. Any technology that can help identify the level of intent of the potential customer would be a game changer.

Q: In terms of SEO, the words that you use to target at the awareness stage and at the purchase stage are completely different. How do you identify the relevant keywords that would help to move the customer from one stage to the next?

So, anything relating to the identification of user intent is a big trend, and it is very connected to ML and AI. Thanks to AI, we can be better marketers; we can build better companies and products and satisfy the needs of our target audience in a better way.

This was part of a full interview done by Website Planet. See the full article here to learn more.


by Ilana Marks

Marketing Insights Manager, Similarweb

Ilana is a Marketing Insights Manager at Similarweb, and loves Breaking Bad, bagels, and interpreting data.

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