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Turning to Digital Data in Times of Uncertainty

Turning to Digital Data in Times of Uncertainty

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Tracking the global impact of a pandemic is not easy. In this time of overwhelming uncertainty, it is more important than ever to harness the data that we do have.

With more than one billion people around the world in lockdown, consumer behavior is changing. As a company built to help individuals make sense of the digital world, we recognize that we have a unique responsibility here at Similarweb to help people gain a clearer picture of what’s going on online.

Today we are launching a daily tracker to help inform and enable anyone to understand the digital impact of the novel coronavirus. We believe that in the assessment of these signals, we can help people track both the magnitude of impact, as well as to identify early signals of a return to normalcy.

Coronavirus tracking

Over the last few weeks, there has been (and will continue to be) a major disruption to the market, across every industry. From media to healthcare, to banking, to grocery delivery, and beyond, a renewed focus on the digital consumer experience is taking shape.

While we are being forced to physically distance ourselves, we are all shifting to operating online — and the impact is already evident in different stock markets across the globe.

These new constraints will lead to new behaviors, and those behaviors will enable new opportunities. Through this tracker that benchmarks industry performance, we hope to not only identify signals for businesses to leverage today but also help them think strategically for the future.


by Or Offer


Or has led Similarweb since its founding in 2007, growing it from a small startup to a global company with over 1,000 employees.

This post is subject to Similarweb legal notices and disclaimers.

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