42matters Acquisition

With unrivaled App Store and Mobile SDK data, this acquisition enables a dedicated App Intelligence offering at Similarweb. By expanding our data catalog, it solidifies Similarweb as the go-to for App Intelligence.

42matters Acquisition
42matters logo
Mobile app analytics
Date Acquired
July 1, 2024
Why 42matters?

Expanding Similarweb’s App Intelligence

Integrating 42matters’ advanced solutions across app store data, app engagement data, and mobile SDK data significantly expands Similarweb’s app intelligence solution.This enhanced offering provides app owners with better insights into the performance of their own apps vs. competitors, comprehensive visibility of user engagement, and technology stacks.This empowers app owners to optimize their app distribution, marketing strategies, and development roadmaps. 42matters advances Similarweb’s mission of providing the most comprehensive data, analytics, and optimization tools for digital marketing and analytics experts.

360-Degree Competitive Analysis - All In One

Backed by the world's most intelligent and comprehensive view of digital traffic, we provide the data and insights you need to win – and win big – online.