Similarweb for Consultancies

Answer key strategic questions for your clients, create data-driven business pitches and upskill internal teams on the fast-changing digital landscape

The world's leading consulting firms rely on Similarweb

Why do consultancies rely on Similarweb Data?

Consulting and market research firms use Similarweb data to analyze digital performance and become experts in their industry and competitor intelligence.

Analyze 100M+ websites and apps to understand audience loyalty and behavioral characteristics.

Contextualize the engagement performance against competitive sets across 50+ traffic and engagement metrics.

Become the expert in any industry and access 210 industry categories to understand market trends across 190 countries, identify leading players, and track growth across the digital landscape.

Monitor the Competitive Landscape & Identify Opportunities

  • Conduct in-depth competitor analysis, company research and due diligence for client briefs. 
  • Benchmark against market trends and evaluate market entry and sizing opportunities.

Craft a Predictive Data-Driven Analysis for your pitch

Understand your client’s market: market share, seasonality, leaders, threats and opportunities to advise on winning digital strategies. 

Easily Generate Reports and Predictive Data

  • Quickly generate graphs, tables and other visuals for managed client teams.
  • Manage multiple clients and monitor their digital performance using dashboards and API. 

Answer your clients’ key strategic business questions:

Digital performance

What are the traffic and engagement metrics of any website or app?

Conversion rates

How many visitors do I need to acquire to improve conversion rates?

Market expansion

What are the potential risks of expanding into a new market?

Market sizing

What is the size of a market and who is winning or losing market share?

Market trends

What are the 30k-foot behavioral trends that are critical to my client’s strategy?

Audience reach

How can I find new audiences and improve my reach?

Book a meeting with our experts today.

Request a personal demonstration to see how we can help you manage your client’s digital presence and optimize their digital strategy.

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