HBS Gets Current Data Fast for Accurate and Cost-Effective Market Research

Using Similarweb Digital Data, HBS leverages real-time insights to teach students about data-driven pipelines, strategic decision-making and measuring business success.

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About Harvard Business School
Harvard Business School is ranked among the top business schools in the world. It offers a full-time MBA program and executive education programs and owns Harvard Business Publishing, which publishes business books, articles, case studies, and an academic business magazine.
Rem Koning Assistant Professor Harvard Business Schoo

"If you want to build data-driven pipelines […] you need that data to be crisp and current. With a tool like Similarweb, suddenly, when you’re doing market research, you don’t have the market of two years ago. You have the market of today."

Rem Koning

Assistant Professor at Harvard Business School

Get started with Similarweb to measure business success

Find out how to make data-driven strategic decisions like Harvard Business School, leveraging granular, real-time data.