One Tripled Click-Through-Rates With Data-Driven Creative Content

Insights delivered by Similarweb delivered One a winning GTM strategy leading to significant growth in new markets.

Customer Success Story - One
About One
One works with a major financial brand in the Brazilian credit card industry and constantly analyzes market competitors' campaigns, messaging, positioning, and selling attributes. However, One needed a more thorough understanding of all the players to improve market positioning analysis beyond current methods in an efficient manner.
Carlos Xavier, Head of Strategy, Account Planning at One

"Similarweb has been an essential solution for our clients when it comes to mapping and analyzing competitors' brand messages in advertising creatives. Similarweb's Creative Search is a game changer for strategists who need to make well-informed campaign messaging decisions."

Carlos Xavier

Head of Strategy, Accounts Planning at One

The Challenge

Tackling time-consuming creative analyses

One’s method for gathering creatives for analysis was time-consuming, involving manual visits to competitors' sites, social media feeds, and search queries. Clients were dissatisfied as the time it took to conduct analysis led to missed opportunities, therefore a more efficient approach was needed to deliver accurate results.
An overview of the Brazilian credit card industry's Market Performance.
The Solution

Comprehensive market intelligence data

One started working with Similarweb in 2021 to improve competitor analysis, creating a dashboard displaying the most recent competitor creatives, tracking trends, and listing commonly used features. Similarweb's library of Display Creatives, Search Ads, and Videos made One’s analysis more timely and efficient. By correlating with traffic data, the platform indicated priority weekly actions.
A comparison of the Brazilian credit card industry's Traffic Share and Traffic Volumes by source.
The Success

Similarweb creative analyses boost CTR 3X

By utilizing a searchable platform for creatives and competitor analysis, the team was able to cut the time spent gathering information by a third. This allowed them to identify which campaigns their competitors were investing in. After recognizing the similarities in category ads, One decided to focus on new brand attributes, language, and positioning, which resulted in a 3X increase in CTR for most campaigns.
The Traffic Share of the Brazilian credit card industry by competitors.

Get started with Similarweb to achieve digital success

Find out how to elevate your digital marketing analysis like One and gain an advantage over your competitors.