Zoom: Sticking the Dismount

Surface advanced data signals for ZM ahead of earnings

It’s a whole new world of hybrid work. Can ZM pull off another earnings beat come Nov. 22?  

While the cloud-based video platform’s active client domains or domains with regular engagement continue to decelerate from 2020s highs, they’re more stable on a 2-year basis. But there’s more to consider…

  • The number of active enterprise accounts has remained in gradual descent since summer’s start.
  • However, overall usage from this group is stable, suggesting core industries are adding paid users.

On the other hand, industries with fringe and temporary use cases  (e.g. restaurant interviews) may be starting to dwindle, which could impact the top line.

Similarweb’s SaaS Product offers custom data sets that enable investors to analyze a SaaS company user base and growth over time. The reports reflect customer behavior and company performance, harnessing the fact that SaaS companies list out and organize their customers by subdomain structure (i.e. walmart.zoom.us.)
Stock Intelligence, Similarweb Investor Analytics