Retailers and eCommerce companies use our data to make strategic-decisions on
product category launches, benchmark against competitors and analyze conversion goals to drive business growth.
Similarweb for Retail & eCommerce
Make faster and smarter business decisions by identifying consumer demand to stay ahead of the rapidly shifting consumer trends.
The world’s biggest retail companies trust Similarweb

Why should you rely on Similarweb Retail & eCommerce Analysis?

Behavioral Data
Understand how consumers shop online across 100M+ websites and apps

Competitive Insights
Discover any competitor’s digital performance with over 50+ traffic and engagement metrics

Conversion Data
Drill down into bottom-of-the-funnel metrics across 235M e-commerce product SKUs, plus onsite search
Learn where consumers spend their time and money
Discover across lines-of-business where consumers are shopping for specific products and how to optimize pricing strategies

Measure your performance and monitor share of wallet
Benchmark your performance against the retail industry and see where and how you can win back market share
Reveal cross-shopping behavior and audience interests
Find out where your visitors are cross-shopping and track the full consumer journey from awareness through to purchase

Optimize your eCommerce conversion funnel
View purchase metrics, like conversion rate and converted visits, to find the best-converting channels for any retailer
Get answers to your business critical questions about eCommerce:
eCommerce leaders
Who are the leading players in the eCommerce landscape and who is gaining market share?
Top products
What is the demand of the top products within a category?
Retail market size
What is the size of the retail industry in a specific market?
Audience overlap
How can I compare my audience to my competitors and win back market share?
Conversion rate
What is a good conversion rate in the retail industry?
Best keywords
What are the best-performing, high-intent retail keywords?
Resources and insights about the retail industry
Analytics for Retail & Ecommerce Industries
Use Retail & Ecommerce Analytics to identify demand, gain customer and product insights, analyze competitors and optimize your conversion funnel.
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