In today’s competitive landscape, it is necessary for your clients to understand how consumers behave, as well as recognize the search intent and marketing channels that influence their purchase decisions.

Similarweb Conversion Analysis enables you to analyze conversion rates for over 5,000 websites, leading retailer categories, and lines of business across more than 40 countries – ultimately allowing you to elevate your clients’ businesses to the next level.  

Watch our on-demand webinar presented by our Strategic Marketing Consultant, Tomas Seliokas, to discover how to help your clients win their market using Similarweb’s unique Conversion Analysis tool.

Attend this webinar and learn how to:

  • Optimize online conversions by learning from the best-in-class websites
  • Identify the right marketing channels for your customers
  • Analyze leading retailers’ product categories to focus on growth areas
  • Leverage on-site-search to uncover and adapt to shifts in consumer demand


Get the bottom-of-the-funnel data and insights you need to ensure your clients win more sales and beat their competition.

About the Presenter

Tomas Seliokas
Tomas Seliokas
Lead Industry Consultant Similarweb

Tomas Seliokas is an Industry Consultant at Similarweb, specializing in the agency & management consulting sectors. He works with companies all over the globe, helping them use our online competitive intelligence solution to make better-informed business decisions.