About Sonopress

Sonopress is part of the Bertelsmann Printing Group. Its primary activity is to replicate CDs, DVDs, and Blu-rays for various customers around the world. In 2005, the company expanded its offering with Mbargo – an anti-piracy service offered to owners and providers of digital content such as music, audiobooks, e-books, films, games, and software. Mbargo’s goal is to help its clients fight against online piracy and intellectual property theft.

Challenge - Analyzing Websites & Estimating Demand

Mbargo software crawls the internet for links that offer unlicensed distribution of copyright-protected products, which is currently rampant worldwide throughout different networks. However, these web links need to be assessed to estimate the demand for pirated media products, as well as the harm they may cause.

Success - Creating a unique solution leveraging Market Intelligence

Sonopress formulated a unique solution using Similarweb data to estimate user numbers for piracy on websites. Mbargo leverages key engagement metrics such as website traffic, geographical distribution, pages per visit, and top pages. Also, due to the high amount of web links analyzed, Mbargo downloads data via Similarweb’s API, which is then integrated into its own database.

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Similarweb enabled us to turn negative piracy internet data into positive business intelligence data, illustrating user demand and distribution of digital media products.

Thorsten Johnanntoberens

Director of mbargo service, Sonopress