Alternative Data API for Investors

Use our Investors API & alternative data delivery methods to pull, enrich and integrate online traffic data into your analysis to get the most accurate insights

Pull Data Efficiently with our Investors API, Batch API or via S3

Choose from multiple delivery methods

Investors can pull Similarweb data via API, Batch API, S3 delivery and a data feed.

Customize a package to suit your need

Pull millions of data points every month or run ad--hoc analysis with our numerous API tiers.

Get integration and delivery support

Data can be delivered in various formats according to your need. Our dedicated API support team will assist with setup and ensure smooth data delivery.

Seamlessly access all Similarweb alternative data in bulk

Incorporate Similarweb alternative data in the format that works best for you. Extract large amounts of data efficiently to automate and streamline processes and integrate it into internal dashboards, visualization tools or third party platforms.

Investment API data in bulk

Seamlessly access all Similarweb alternative data in bulk

Incorporate Similarweb alternative data in the format that works best for you. Extract large amounts of data efficiently to automate and streamline processes and integrate it into internal dashboards, visualization tools or third party platforms.

Investment API data in bulk
repeatable analysis at scale

Perform repeatable analysis at scale

Use the Digital Intelligence Platform to identify the metrics that you want to track and then pull these data points at scale in order to automate ongoing analyses and accelerate your diligence.

Perform repeatable analysis at scale

Use the Digital Intelligence Platform to identify the metrics that you want to track and then pull these data points at scale in order to automate ongoing analyses and accelerate your diligence.

repeatable analysis at scale

Generate custom insights

While our platform is intuitive and robust, there are endless possibilities outside of the platform. Customize Similarweb metrics, produce customized reports and process an infinite number of domains.

custom insights

Generate custom insights

While our platform is intuitive and robust, there are endless possibilities outside of the platform. Customize Similarweb metrics, produce customized reports and process an infinite number of domains.

custom insights

API by team

Operations Teams

Operations Teams use millions of API hits every month to monitor portfolio companies on data points that they have deemed important. Similarweb alternative data is used to evaluate brand strength, traffic YoY and QoQ and by using the API, Investors can automate this process and let it run on its own.  

Data science teams

Data science teams pull millions of data points daily with Similarweb’s Investors API to feed into predictive algorithms. This simple yet critical workflow automates trading decisions. Similarweb data, along with other alternative data sets can be integrated into tableau or other internal systems.

Quantitative analysts

Quantitative analysts use the Similarweb platform to visualize alternative data and identify the key metrics that correlate best to company performance. These data points are then pulled via our investor API at scale in order to automate and accelerate analyses.

What do you get with a subscription?

With a subscription to our platform, comes dedicated account support, stock centric products, and multiple data delivery methods