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Digital Marketing Channels

Analyze the customer acquisition and marketing strategy of any public and private company to evaluate brand health and growth.

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Monitor customer acquisition by channel

See how traffic is reaching a website and how much a company is investing in customer acquisition. Add context by comparing them to their competitors.

Understand paid and organic strategies

Learn more about a company’s efforts and marketing maturity by measuring their organic versus paid strategy.

Measure brand awareness, understand the customer

Measure the traffic reaching a website directly by seeing the split of branded versus non-branded traffic and visitors who type the website URL directly.

Digital Marketing Channels Feature Set

  • Direct, Organic Search and Paid Search

    Quantify brand awareness by seeing how many website visitors go to a specific website directly. See these numbers in context by comparing the marketing channels of competitors and the industry benchmark. Understand how much of their traffic is due to paid strategy versus organic.

  • Referral Traffic

    Identify major partnerships and relationships that impact company performance. By looking at traffic coming from referrals, Investors can understand Booking’s relationship with Tripadvisor and Paypal’s relationship with eBay, for example.

  • Email, Social and Display Ads

    Learn more about a company’s marketing strategy by seeing the share of a website’s total incoming traffic from each traffic channel.

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