It’s time to win more traffic

The no. 1 Keyword Generator Tool

Find keywords that actually drive traffic. See what people search, along with where and how they search so you can dominate the SERPs and synchronize your SEO strategy

Try for free The no. 1 Keyword Generator Tool

The only SEO keyword generator with real user data

Multiple search engines, zero bias and accurate search volume unlocks a treasure-trove of fresh, relevant, and targeted keywords.

Find Keywords
Next-level keyword research

Discover relevant keywords, fast

Access our database of 6bn relevant keywords to plug the gaps in your strategy, find new ranking opportunities and reveal search volume for any term, by device type and country. Start with either a seed keyword or a list and we’ll do the rest.

keyword generator shows the top trending keywords
Trending keywords

Outpace the competition

1 in 6 Google searches are new. Similarweb has the freshest data on the market so catch up-and-coming trends and keywords before your competitors. We’ll also show you the monthly trend and real search volume for every keyword over a year period.

search intent in keyword generator - get real traffic that converts
Search intent

Attract traffic that converts

By using our ‘search intent’ feature, you can group and prioritize your keyword list based on the search intent of the user. We go further than any other tool and show five intent groups: informational, transactional, navigational, local and job search.

keyword generator shows you zero-click metrics & traffic leaders
Traffic leaders & zero-clicks

Strategic keyword targeting

See which site is winning the most traffic from each keyword and its zero-click percentage, so you can make smart, informed decisions about which keywords will drive visibility and traffic.

Generate keywords from Google, Amazon and YouTube
Amazon & YouTube Keywords

Generate keywords beyond Google

Search is evolving: our Keyword Generator also shows you search terms and volumes for both YouTube and Amazon so you can create holistic SEO strategies in just a few clicks. Dominate the SERPs, synchronize your strategy.

The ingredients that make our keyword generator so good

View Competitors rank data

Accurate search volume (MSV)

MSV is often over-inflated but Similarweb provides independent data SEOs can rely on

Billions of keywords

6bn Keywords

…and counting. Over 300 million fresh keywords are added every month

Data downloads

Traffic data

Over 1bn websites tracked, so you can see the traffic winner for each keyword

Product click data

Related keywords

Phrase-match and related keywords dive into hero terms and long-tail for any niche

Location data

Location & device

Generate keywords based from 133 countries - all available on mobile and desktop

Track Search volumes and click data

Keyword difficulty & zero click

Get access to every keyword’s potential ease of rank and its zero-click percentage

Try for free

"Similarweb is my go-to tool for keyword research, gap analysis and competitor research. It's incredibly easy to use and has everything I'm looking for."

Rachel Hardy

Rachel Hardy

SEO & Content Marketer


What is a keyword generator?

The keyword generator is the primary feature in a keyword research toolkit. The keyword generator works from seed keywords or topics to produce a list of close and relevant keywords.

What is Similarweb keyword generator?

Similarweb’s keyword generator (KG) is a core feature of the Digital Marketing Intelligence platform. The KG shows keywords based on real-user data, so SEOs and marketers can create SEO plans with fresh, accurate and relevant search terms. As well as Google, Similarweb also generates keywords for Amazon and YouTube.

How accurate is Similarweb keyword generator data?

Similarweb’s keyword generator data is known for its accuracy. Its monthly search volume (MSV) is unique to each keyword and not clustered (like many tools). Additional data metrics give SEOs the full picture: the percentage of zero clicks each search term receives, along with the site ranking number 1 and the traffic it receives.

How do you generate keywords?

Using Similarweb Digital Marketing Intelligence, you can head to the ‘Keyword Generator’, enter a seed term, or upload a list, pick a search engine, and a list of phrase-match and relevant keywords will be produced.

How do I find popular keywords?

Similarweb’s monthly search volume (MSV) shows you how many searches a keyword receives on a monthly basis, and you can sort by the most searches. Within Similarweb’s keyword generator, you can also filter by ‘trending keywords’ to show new searches and searches growing in popularity.

Find keywords that drive traffic

In just a few clicks, have access to the freshest keywords for any niche

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